Jenny B Peters Music
Creativity for AllRap and Bluegrass – A New Idea for Schools
Are your students struggling?
Today’s students are stressed. They are suffering following the Covid lockdowns. They don’t know how to interact with other students. Mental health issues are on the rise. And they missed developmental milestones. School is difficult both academically and socially. They need a way to express themselves with music and language they understand.
We can help students with tools of grit and resiliency
We need to meet today’s students in an innovative way. We need to give them choice and a voice. We need to empower them to be creative with a genre that is unique to their needs. And to their generation.
“I liked the banjo and the solo part. I liked that the music was loud. The lyrics were funny. The fiddle was loud too. I liked that it was different from the orchestral music we play at school.” |

Look no further!
Right now our students are suffering following the Covid lockdowns. Mental health issues are on the rise. And achievement in English and math is falling. Students can’t learn unless they feel safe. So, addressing achievement in academic areas will work better when students learn through the lens of something they love. Give students a choice and a voice in their learning!

Hire Jenny as a Guest Conductor and Clinician
Jenny is composer, clinician, and educator with 25+ years of experience in the classroom.
It’s already so hard to work in public schools. I don’t want to do anything controversial. The politics are killing me. Why would I want to go out on a limb?
Your Students Will Be Excited!
Rap and Bluegrass will get your students excited. It will make your job easier. You will be able to
Rap and Bluegrass will get your students excited. It will make your job easier. You will be able to recruit and retain students with ease. Students will use higher-order thinking skills to combine music and ELA (English/Language Arts) at the same time. And you will be offering student-centered learning that is personalized.
Students will come to school engaged and excited to learn.
Students will be using higher-order thinking to solve problems. Their learning will be rigorous. They will develop grit and resiliency to work with today’s issues. The ideas in Rap and Bluegrass come from an equity mindset to give each student what they need to succeed.
The students are so far behind. Why would I want to add anything to their load?
Things were better in my day. Students need to go back to the basics.
Times are different now. And the Rap and Bluegrass program meets the social and emotional needs of students. It is personalized learning. And your student will have a choice and a voice in what they learn.

What are you waiting for?
In my final year of teaching (2022-2023) I taught Flexible Fiddling to my 4th – 8th grade orchestra students. I predicted that they would like the music. What I did not predict, was that they loved the music.
My 7th-grade students taught their neighbors to play the fiddle tunes! I would be tuning the 4th-grade orchestra and getting the class ready to start. I would hear the music from the junior high being played by the first-year students. It was at a slow tempo, yet it was the same music. The older students went home and taught their neighbors! This music was both accessible and equitable.
At my final retirement concert, students played both orchestral and traditional instruments. One of the students who had taught his neighbor to play Swallowtail Jig, was excited to learn the banjo. I had other students learn mandolin and guitar. The bass students added traditional left-hand slaps to their rendition. Old Joe Clark sounded more authentic than is typical for an orchestral setting. And the students could hear and articulate the differences between traditional and classical music. Students had a rigorous educational experience. It combined performing music with articulating complex thoughts about music.
Hire Jenny as a Guest Conductor and Clinician
Jenny is composer, clinician, and educator with 25+ years of experience in the classroom.
I liked how it was very upbeat. I liked the mixture of instruments. It sounded really cool.

Help your students with something they will love.
Right now our students are suffering following the Covid lockdowns. Mental health issues are on the rise. And achievement in English and math is falling. Students can’t learn unless they feel safe. So, addressing achievement in academic areas will work better when students learn through the lens of something they love. Give students a choice and a voice in their learning!
Rap and Bluegrass are good for our students.
Bluegrass music combines elements of both European and African music. Rap stands for Rhythm and Poetry. It is something our students love and relate to. When students write their own lyrics and poetry, they are creatively engaged.
Music is relevant to today’s students.
I am offering workshops that combine rap and Bluegrass. The string students will love playing this music. They’ll be creatively engaged as they write their own lyrics. They’ll use the rap section to offer contemporary commentary on issues that relate to them.
This is a way to make instrumental music relevant to the people who play it. When we combine African American musical genres with our traditional American folk music, we embody the best values that our culture embraces. And we do this with our students. We give them the agency and the power to create positive change when they need it!
I am offering workshops that combine rap and Bluegrass. The string students will love playing this music. They’ll be creatively engaged as they write their own lyrics. They’ll use the rap section to offer contemporary commentary on issues that relate to them.
This is a way to make instrumental music more relevant to the people who play it. When we combine African American musical genres with our traditional American folk music, we embody the best values that our culture embraces. And we do this with our students. We give them the agency and the power to create positive change when they need it!

Jenny B Peters Music - Contact Me
I’d love to hear from you – How can I help you?
Do you have questions? We provide the following services.
- Music Lessons
- School Clinics
- Original Music Compositions
- Bluegrass Classes
- Live Music for Events
You can fill out the form below. I'll respond with an email or phone call. Or, you can call me at 224-408-0106.